Mansi Palace is located in the city center of Lucca and dates from the late sixteenth century and was acquired in 1616 by the Family Mansi who performed an internal restructuring in the Baroque style in contrast to the austerity of the exterior features. The two wings at right angles to the central nucleus dates back to the nineteenth century, with a single ramp staircase leading to the first floor in a gallery overlooking the garden.
The museum has been located in this luxury building in 1965 when it became the property of the State and was completely renovated. In 1977 was inaugurated the National Art Gallery. Were later recovered the original furnishings, frescoes and tapestries on the walls. Interesting are the frescoes on the ceilings of a boardroom. Of note, the Bridal Chamber with the original alcove and fabrics of silk embroidered 700.