The National Museums of Lucca, Villa Guinigi and Palazzo Mansi, offer to all visitors, in addition to the usual time, evening openings:
National Museum of Villa Guinigi
September: 1, 8, 15 and 29, special evening opening hours 7.30pm -10.30pm (last admission 10)
September: 14th, extraordinary opening evening on the occasion of the feast of the Holy Cross, 7.30pm -10.30pm (last admission 10)
National Museum of Palazzo Mansi
September: 1, 8, 15 and 29, special evening opening hours 7.30pm -10.30pm (last admission 10)
September: 14th, extraordinary opening evening on the occasion of the Feast of the Holy Cross, 7.30pm -10.30pm (last admission 10)
Museo nazionale di Villa Guinigi
Via della Quarquonia, 55100 Lucca
Telefono: 0583.496033
Museo nazionale di Palazzo Mansi
Via Galli Tassi 43 55100 Lucca
Telefono: 0583.55570
Facebook Musei Nazionali Lucca, Twitter @MuseiLucca